Japan, South Korea to maintain maximum pressure on North Korea

(VOVWORLD) - Japan and South Korea agreed on Monday that maximum pressure must be maintained on North Korea until it takes concrete action to address concerns about its nuclear weapon and missile programs, Japan’s Foreign Minister Taro Kono told reporters after talks with South Korean National Intelligence Service Chief Suh Hoon in Tokyo. 
 Japan, South Korea to maintain maximum pressure on North Korea - ảnh 1 (Photo: VNA)

Kono declined to say what the concrete action should be or if Japan has softened its position on action as a prerequisite for talks.

Mr. Hoon is on a working visit to Tokyo to discuss the outcomes of a South Korean delegation’s visit to North Korea on March 5. The two sides agreed to organize an inter-Korean summit in April in the truce village of Panmunjeom and establish a hot line between their two leaders. North Korea pledged to stop its military provocations, including nuclear and missile tests, while conducting negotiations with South Korea.

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