Japanese PM to visit China in late April

(VOVworld) – Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida plans to visit Beijing in late April for talks with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, as Tokyo seeks to mend ties with Beijing.

Japanese PM to visit China in late April - ảnh 1
Japanese FM Fumio Kishida and Chinese FM Wang Yi (Photo: Kyodonews.jp)

This will be Kishida’s first visit to Beijing since November 2014. He hopes the visit will narrow the two countries' differences over the East China Sea issue and promote high-level bilateral exchanges.

Kishida's visit to China was arranged after Kong Xuanyou, China's assistant foreign minister, said in talks in Tokyo with Japan's Deputy Foreign Minister, Shinsuke Sugiyama, on February 29 that both sides would organize high-ranking visits and talks over this year.

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