Kiev ready to resolve crisis through dialogue

(VOVworld) – The Ukrainian caretaker government is willing to engage in dialogues to resolve the on-going crisis, said Ukrainian interim President Oleksandr Turchynov on Thursday. He said the Ukrainian Parliament and government are ready to make structural changes in their systems, adding that security forces are committed to fighting “terrorism” and that law-breakers will be punished.

Kiev ready to resolve crisis through dialogue - ảnh 1
Ukrainian interim President Oleksandr Turchynov. (Photo: Kyiv post)

Leaders of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine have issued an ultimatum to the Kiev government to withdraw all its troops from the region within 24 hours. After the deadline, any Kiev soldier left will be removed from the region by force. Earlier, government forces destroyed 2 military bases of Ukrainian federalists in eastern Ukraine.

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