Localities ramp up COVID-19 prevention measures

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi authorities met online with grassroots leaders on Wednesday to ramp up their efforts against the COVID-19 pandemic, including scaling up testing.

Localities ramp up COVID-19 prevention measures - ảnh 1Chu Xuan Dung is Vice Chairman of the Hanoi municipal People’s Committee and Head of the Hanoi municipal Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control (Photo: tuoitre.vn)

Chu Xuan Dung, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi municipal People’s Committee, asked that all people who traveled to Hanoi from Hai Duong province from February 2 be tested and have their health monitored at home.

Dung, who is head of the Hanoi municipal Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention and Control, requested that random testing be conducted at factories, industrial parks, and manufacturing zones, which are deem high-risk because they employ foreign experts and workers from other localities. Medical staff and people working at quarantine facilities should also be tested, according to Dung.

Localities ramp up COVID-19 prevention measures - ảnh 2Religious sites are forced to close in Thai Binh province to contain the coronavirus. (Photo: VNA)

The Thai Binh provincial People’s Committee has ordered an extension of the temporary closure of religious sites, beginning Thursday. They requested that all restaurants and hotels strictly adhere to social distancing by serving a maximum of one-third of their guest capacity at one time. Food stalls and cafeterias are banned from serving customers on the pavement. 

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