National affairs – key in constitutional drafting amendments

(VOVworld) – National affairs and activities are key issues of a seminar held in Hanoi on Thursday to gather opinions on the 1992 Constitution revision. Participants agreed that the revisions reflect national affairs in many aspects and levels, but should stipulate more clearly the strategic position of national affairs and solidarity, the equal rights and duties of ethnic groups, principles, and policies to deal with national affairs, and bring into full play the internal strength of ethnic groups. Lu Van Que, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly’s Ethnic Council, proposed ‘the revised constitution institutionalize ethnic groups in Vietnam equally with solidarity, respect, and mutual support toward advancement. The basic principles must be written into the Party and government policies on national affairs and need to be implemented well. Article 5 should affirm that ethnic groups in Vietnam should be treated equally in terms of political, economic and social rights and duties to protect and develop the nation. If the constitution acknowledges this, ethnic people will feel honored, thus raising their sense of responsibility to the country.

 National affairs – key in constitutional drafting amendments  - ảnh 1
Ethnic groups in Vietnam equal in rights, respect, and solidarity (Photo: VOV)

The revisions need to give prominence to the states responsibility for  helping ethnic groups develop and catch up with development in other regions. Lo Giang Pao, Deputy Director of the Institute for Ethnic Studies, said one of the current key issues of national affairs is to increase the knowledge of ethnic people. Pao added ‘We don’t want to say the government gives priority to education development in mountainous areas. What we should say is that the state should invest in, and attract resources to education. People in remote ethnic areas are all Vietnamese citizens and they should be treated equally, not given priority in educational development.

Some deputies said the revisions should improve the role and responsibilities of the agencies in charge of national affairs.

