National defense TV channel launched

(VOVworld) – A television channel dedicated to national defence, called the Vietnam National Defence television channel has debuted to disseminate information about the building of the people’s army and the all-people national defence in the new period. The nationally broadcast channel was launched on Sunday in Hanoi by the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defence on the occasion of President Ho Chi Minh’s 123rd birthday.

National defense TV channel launched - ảnh 1
Senior leaders press the buttons to kick-start the Vietnam National Defence television channel. (Photo:

At the launch ceremony, Defence Minister General Phung Quang Thanh asked the service to provide viewers clear, reliable information to reinforce their trust in the army’s ability to protect the country and socialism. Thanh said: "The Vietnam National Defence television channel is well aware of its honor and responsibility, so its staff will always maintain their unity, stay steadfast in political spirit, and keep improving their ethics and professional skills. The channel will expand cooperation with other radio and TV channels both inside and outside Vietnam to update information in a timely manner to better serve both soldiers and civilians".

The channel will run every day from 5.30 to 24.00.

