Party Central Committee wraps up 4th plenum

The 4th plenum of the Party Central Committee closed on Saturday after 6 days of discussions. In his closing address, Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong said the meeting reflected high sense of responsibilities, upheld democracy and wisdom and contributed opinions to projects and reports. The Party Poliburo was open to different viewpoints. The Party Central Committee approved the meeting’s resolution and elected more members of the Committee’s Commission for Inspection. Party leader Trong emphasized on party building and the mobilization of all resources for infrastructure development to meet the demands for national industrialization and modernization: “At the meeting, the Party Central Committee adopted a resolution on guidelines for infrastructure development from now until 2020. Infrastructure development should be undertaken nationwide, involving all sectors and localities. There should be priorities for major projects to create a breakthrough. Every resource in the society should be fully tapped and investors are encouraged to invest in socio-economic infrastructure. At the same time, the state budget should be allocated in crucial projects”.

The resolution identified orientations for 10 major infrastructure areas, including transports, power supply, urban infrastructure, irrigation and climate change response. Regarding party building issue, Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong said: “Our party is facing new problems that need to be tackled. If the party is infirm politically and ideologically, immoral and unorganized, it can’t win the support of the people and can’t lead the nation to move forward. So, the Party Central Committee decided to continue party building and rectification in a more aggressive manner to fight degradation and consolidate our firmness in realizing our revolutionary goals, strengthen unity and forge closer relations with the people, and enhance the party’s leadership and fighting will, which is considered pivotal to the party and regime”.

At the meeting, the Party Central Committee agreed on the urgent need to adopt a resolution on party building, focusing on eradicating degradation among party members, building a contingent of officials to meet the need of national industrialization and modernization and international integration as well as clarifying responsibilities of the leaders.

