Party leader arrives in India for state visit

(VOVworld) - Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong arrived in India on Tuesday for a four-day state visit to boost bilateral relations.

Party leader arrives in India for state visit - ảnh 1
Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong is visit India to boost bilateral relations. (Photo: VOV)

The Party leader will meet with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, President Pranab Mukherjee, Vice President and Chairman of the Senate Mohammad Hamid Ansari, Speaker of the Lower House Meira Kumar, and leaders of the Indian National Congress party, the National People’s Party, the Communist Party of India, and the Communist Party of India (Marxist).  During his stay, Trong will visit the city of Mumbai, attend the Mumbai business forum, and meet with Vietnamese embassy staff and the Vietnamese community in India.

Indian Ambassador to Vietnam Preeti Saran told a VOV reporter that Trong’s India visit marks a milestone in the Vietnam-India relationship, reflecting the development of political ties and the importance both sides attach to their cooperation. She went on to say that the visit will bring about closer, more fruitful relations.

The Indian media have given wide coverage to Mr. Trong's visit. Major newspapers such as the Economic Times, the Times of India, Hindu, and the Business Standard and the online newspapers ran an interview Mr. Trong granted to the PTI news agency, in which he said that Vietnam and India would foster their relations through this visit. The Hindu newspaper featured Trong’s biography and his interview with PTI as well as highlighting the bonds between Vietnam and India and Vietnam’s achievements. The Indian Express ran an analysis by Raja Mohan, an expert at the Observer Research Foundation, examining relations between the two countries.

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