Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong receives senior diplomats

(VOVworld) – General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong has urged the Vietnamese diplomats to fully comprehend the Party’s guidelines on foreign relations. At his reception on Tuesday in Hanoi for newly-appointed ambassadors and consuls general of Vietnam, who will work in 19 countries for the 2013-2016 term, Mr. Trong said: “Vietnam pursues the policy of independence, peace, self-reliance, cooperation, development, mulilateralization and diversification, befriending all countries and being a reliable partner and responsible member of the international community. Self-reliance should come first. Cooperation is based on mutual respect, benefits and non-interference into each other’s affairs. All are for national interests. We should be consistent in the Party’s stance, and absolutely loyal to national interests, while handling well relations, opportunities and challenges, cooperation and conflicts. Flexible and wise tactics are needed to create a peaceful and stable environment for development”.

Party leader Trong also urged the senior diplomats to provide further support to Overseas Vietnamese.


