Peace talks between Israel and Palestine resumed in Washington

Peace talks between Israel and Palestine resumed in Washington  - ảnh 1
To date, neither of Israel or Palestine tends to hold back on its demands
(Photo: Reuters/

Middle East peace talks between Israel and Palestine, which have been stalled for 3 years, were resumed in Washington on Monday. This is the result of tireless efforts following six trips to the Middle East over the past five years by US Secretary of State, John Kerry. 
The Israeli chief negotiator is Justice Minister Tzipi Livni and her Palestinian counterpart is Saeb Erekat. In his address prior to the official negotiation meeting Kerry, who chaired the first dialogue, urged both sides to make "reasonable compromises" for peace. 
The US State department said the main purpose of the first two-day talks is to tentatively lay the groundwork for further negotiations in the coming months. Observers predict that the process will be tough as neither side tends to hold back on its demands. Palestine wants to establish an independent state including parts of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, and the areas Israel occupied since the 1967 war.

