PM extends New Year greetings to ASEAN leaders

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc delivered a New Year Greeting letter to ASEAN leaders on the occasion of Vietnam taking the role of the ASEAN Chair 2020.
PM extends New Year greetings to ASEAN leaders - ảnh 1Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

He said challenges and difficulties in 2020 will be unable to deter ASEAN members to reach their common goals of an ASEAN Community of solidarity, unity, peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. To realize this goal, “cohesive and adaptive” are important for ASEAN.

Prime Minister Phuc said as the ASEAN Chair, Vietnam looks forward to other ASEAN countries’ support and cooperation in implementing initiatives, reinforcing solidarity, enhancing connectivity, promoting national identities, expanding external relations, improving the efficiency of ASEAN’s activities, and building a sustainable and prosperous ASEAN. 

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