PM Nguyen Tan Dung receives new ambassador

(VOVworld)- Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung held separate meetings with new ambassadors from Sweden and the Czech Republic in Hanoi yesterday. Welcoming Swedish Ambassador Camilla Mellander, PM Dung affirmed Vietnam’s constant policy of working with Sweden to further develop the two countries’ relations, bringing practical benefits for both sides. The Prime Minister proposed Sweden support its broadening relations with the EU, including the Vietnam-EU FTA negotiations and the establishment of a dialogue mechanism to enhance their cooperation. He also expressed his wish to further boost bilateral trade and investment cooperation and sought Sweden ’s assistance in healthcare, education, environment and climate change. At his reception for Czech Ambassador Martin Klepetko, PM Dung asked the two sides to strengthen relations in trade and investment and support each other at multilateral forums to fully utilise their potentials. He asked the Czech Republic to offer more scholarships to Vietnamese students to study in the eastern European country and consolidate the two countries’ friendship and mutual understanding.

