President Truong Tan Sang sent complimentary letters to three teachers

(VOVworld) - President Truong Tan Sang sent complimentary letters to teachers Nguyen Tra (Dong Da District, Hanoi), Nguyen Thi Thong (Hau Loc District, Thanh Hoa) and Le Trung Sung (Binh Thuy District, Can Tho) in recognition of their devoted efforts to education.

President Truong Tan Sang sent complimentary letters to three teachers - ảnh 1
Teacher Nguyen Thi Thong receives the President's complimentary letter

Nguyen Tra and Nguyen Thi Thong, despite their old ages, provided free classes to children with disadvantages while Le Trung Sung had offered free swimming courses to thousands of children.
The President hoped that teachers nationwide will continue to provide necessary knowledge and life skills to young people so that they could contribute to national construction and defense.

