President Truong Tan Sang visits Thanh Hoa province

President Truong Tan Sang visits Thanh Hoa province - ảnh 1
President Sang visits Factory Z111 of the General Department of National Defense Industry.

(VOVworld)- President Truong Tan Sang has praised Thanh Hoa province for its socio-economic achievements over the past years, especially in implementing new rural development programs. At a meeting with Thanh Hoa provincial authorities on Monday, the President stressed the importance of agriculture and rural areas in maintaining social stability and national defense. He asked the province to focus on improving the competitive edge of the agricultural sector in the context of international integration and the establishment of ASEAN Free Trade Area. President Sang urged the Party Committees at various levels in the province to increase consensus and stay firm with the Party principles to fulfill their tasks thus creating a momentum for the next five years. During his visit to Thanh Hoa province, President Sang visited Factory Z111 of the General Department of National Defense Industry. 

