Replicating project on deploying young graduates to poor districts

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Interior has reviewed a pilot project in which 600 young university graduates work as leaders in 63 poor districts. Addressing a review conference on Wednesday in Hanoi, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung urged the Ministry of Interior, the Youth Union, the sectors and localities to work harder to achieve the project’s goals. He encouraged localities to replicate this model: “I understand the difficulties and welcome the enthusiastic and active spirit of the young cadre. Young officials should thoroughly understand local socio-economic development tasks. They should study the policies of the Party and State, be more responsible, dynamic and creative. Young cadres should also be humble and bound to the collectives, and listen to the people. 

The Prime Minister called on the Ministry of Interior to adopt incentives and provide training courses for the young officials, meeting the needs of administrative reforms and building new rural areas.

Last year, 580 new graduates were appointed as Chair people of 63 poor districts. Since then they have performed their job well, helping to boost production, improve the living standards of locals and reduce poverty.

Replicating project on deploying young graduates to poor districts  - ảnh 1

