Russia poised to be new mediator in Israel-Palestine conflict

(VOVWORLD) - Russia says it is ready to become "an honest mediator" between the Israelis and Palestinians, a role the United States has played for years.
Russia poised to be new mediator in Israel-Palestine conflict - ảnh 1Russia's deputy UN Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov at a UN Security Council meeting on April 7, 2017 (Photo: AFP)

Russia's deputy UN Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov made the statement in a speech to the UN Security Council on Monday after he supported a resolution, vetoed by the US, that would have required President Donald Trump to rescind his decision declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel.

Safronkov said it is becoming more important to move "as quickly as possible towards direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations." He reiterated Russia's proposal to hold a summit between Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

Wu Haitao, charge d'affaires of China's permanent mission to the United Nations, on Monday said China has consistently supported and pushed forward the Middle East peace process and will continue to push for a political settlement of the Jerusalem issue on the basis of a two-state solution. Matthew Rycroft, the UK’s ambassador to the UN, said his country disagrees with the US’s decision and has no plans to move its embassy from Tel Aviv. 

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