Security Council demands Houthis cease attacks in Red Sea

(VOVWORLD) - The UN Security Council on Thursday demanded that Houthi rebels in Yemen immediately cease all attacks against merchant and commercial vessels in the Red Sea.
Security Council demands Houthis cease attacks in Red Sea  - ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: IRNA/VNA)

The Council said all UN members must adhere to their obligations in regard to the arms embargo against key Houthi leaders.

The Council also reiterated its condemnation of Houthi attacks and demanded the immediate release of the merchant vessel Galaxy Leader and its crew.

It requested monthly reports from the Secretary-General on the crisis in the Red Sea until January next year.

The Council passed this resolution following multiple Houthi attacks since the end of last year which the Houthis claim are acts of solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Houthi fighters have used unmanned drones and missiles to attack ships. In more than 70 attacks, the Houthis have sunk two vessels, seized a third vessel, and killed at least three sailors.

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