UN Security Council pressures Syria to withdraw troops

 The UN Security Council drafted a statement on Thursday pressuring Syria to honor its pledge to halt fighting by April 10.


UN Security Council  pressures Syria to withdraw troops - ảnh 1
UN envoy Kofi Annan Source: Reuters

The US-drafted UN Security Council statement demands Syria's withdrawal of forces from Syrian population centers, encourages rebel fighters to cease their hostilities within 48 hours of the government’s ceasefire, and calls on all parties to respect a daily two-hour humanitarian pause. Previously, President Bashar al-Assad agreed to implement a six-point peace plan proposed by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan.

The same day, China called on the world community to cooperate with Syrian reconciliation efforts.

After the statement was released, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov asked Kofi Annan to put more pressure on the Syrian opposition.

