UN to investigate chemical weapon use in Syria

UN to investigate chemical weapon use in Syria  - ảnh 1
Chemical materials and gas masks are pictured in a warehouse at the front line of clashes between opposition fighters and government forces, during a guided tour by the Syrian Army in the Damascus suburb of Jobar August 24, 2013. Photo:Reuters

The Syrian Foreign Ministry on Sunday that Syria has agreed to allow UN inspectors to investigate allegations of a chemical weapon attack in Al Ghouta, East of Damascus. Syrian opposition forces have accused government troops of using sarin, a toxic gas, in an attack that killed more than 1300 people in suburbs East and West of the capital. The Bashar Al Assad government immediately denied the accusation, saying it is only a ploy by the move of the opposition to trigger international intervention into Syria. So far, there is no conclusive proof that either side has used chemical weapons.

