US anti-subsidy tariff unfair for Vietnam’s frozen shrimp

(VOVworld) – The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) has voiced its opposition to a decision made by the US Department of Commerce to impose anti-subsidy tariffs on frozen shrimp imported from Vietnam. According to VASEP, the anti-subsidy duties are unfair to Vietnam’s shrimp producers and exporters while they are operating under a market mechanism and have not received any form of subsidy from the government or the sector over years. The new decision has doubled taxation including anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tariffs, which will greatly impact the 600,000 farmers and shrimp producers in Vietnam.

US anti-subsidy tariff unfair for Vietnam’s frozen shrimp - ảnh 1
Workers are packaging frozen shrimps for exports (Photo: VGP)

Not only Vietnam but also other countries subjected to the tax, and even US consumers, will be directly impacted as they have to pay more for imported shrimp. 90% of the shrimp consumed in the US is imported. In 2012, the US’s shrimp sector significantly grew with higher productivity and more competitive prices, showing that it’s unlikely to be damaged by imported shrimp. VASEP urged the US’s International Trade Center to reconsider and make the right decision to end this irrational lawsuit.      

