USABC bridges government and business community

(VOVWORLD) -Minister of Public Security General To Lam on Wednesday suggested that the US-ASEAN Business Council and the US business community continue to act as an important bridge between the governments and business communities to strengthen the comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and the US.

USABC bridges government and business community - ảnh 1Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh poses for a photo with the delegation of the US-ASEAN Business Council. Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Minister Lam spoke at a working session with the US-ASEAN Business Council (USABC) delegation led by USABC President and CEO Ted Osius in Hanoi.

He affirmed that Vietnam always considers the US as one of its important partners in which economic cooperation is a pillar. The minister called for increasing US investment in the Vietnamese market, especially in the process of shifting supply chains in energy, infrastructure, finance and banking. He also urged for active realization of the commitments and cooperation initiatives between ASEAN and the US in economy, trade, maritime security and aviation.

Ted Osius said the US-ASEAN Business Council will continue to promote its role as a bridge between the governments and business communities of the two countries, propose practical and effective initiatives to further Vietnam-US economic, trade and investment relations.

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