Venezuela confirms to put violence under control

(VOVworld) – Venezuelan Foreign Minister Elias Jaua said the country has basically foiled sabotage attempts by extremists both inside and outside the country, but also warned of other potential threats.

Venezuela confirms to put violence under control - ảnh 1
Hundreds of people took part in an anti-government march led by women in Caracas (photo: bbc)

Speaking after a meeting with his Bolivian counterpart David Choquehuanca in Bolivian capital La Paz on Thursday, Jaua said that anti-government demonstrations had been kept under control, and that violence had not been due to the people’s discontent with the government over social issues. Unrest had been provoked by opposition forces in order to topple the government of President Nicolas Maduro and destroy the revolutionary achievements of the late President Hugo Chaves 15 years ago.  Jaua said Venezuela must resolve continuing social problems but that they were not the causes of the demonstrations.

The same day, President Maduro convened a conference in Caras with the participation of representatives from different social strata and political parties. He said that it was a forum for them to contribute opinions to a program to wrest back political and social stability under the spirit of respecting the Constitution of the Bolivian revolution. The conference also discussed a plan to establish a Committee in charge of investigating and punishing the masterminds of assassinations and chaos in many cities.
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