Vietnam attends 33rd FAO Regional Conference

(VOVworld) - Vietnam is attending the 33rd session of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Regional Conference for Asia-Pacific in Malaysia. The conference focuses on the opportunities and challenges in the region and priority areas of work to improve food security and nutrition, increase agricultural productivity, raise the standard of living in rural populations, and contribute to sustainable economic growth. Attending the event are agriculture ministers from 46 countries across Asia-Pacific and representatives from international non-governmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations and UN organizations.

Vietnam attends 33rd FAO Regional Conference - ảnh 1

The Vietnamese delegation is led by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh. In his speech, Doanh said Vietnam has achieved food security at the national level but at the household level, challenges remain. He said Vietnam is ready to send experts to countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia to help them apply new crop varieties and stimulate agriculture.

