Vietnam confirms its consistent policy on human rights

 Vietnam confirms its consistent policy on human rights  - ảnh 1
Vietnamese spokesperson Luong Thanh Nghi.

A Vietnamese Foreign Ministry spokesman has confirmed Vietnam’s consistent policy of respecting, protecting, and promoting human rights. Spokesman Luong Thanh Nghi answered reporters’ questions yesterday  regarding the US House of Representatives’ adoption of the Vietnam Human Rights Act of 2012, which calls on the Government of Vietnam to respect human rights. Nghi said that Vietnam has many human rights in all civil, political, economic, cultural, and social areas, which have been recognized by the international community. Nghi added that the promotion of human rights and public involvement in all socio-economic decisions are important elements in the success of the renewal process in Vietnam. Vietnam and the US have seen improving relations in recent years, and have regularly discussed human rights in a spirit of frankness, constructiveness, and mutual respect. This is the best way to increase mutual understanding and reduce differences, he said. Nghi said the American measures were based on erroneous and biased information about human rights in Vietnam and censuring Vietnam is unjust and runs counter to the trend of improving Vietnam-US relations.

