Vietnam puts forth proposals to achieve net zero emissions

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam presented proposals to promote parliaments' actions to achieve net zero targets at the plenary meeting of the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-144) in Bali, Indonesia, on Tuesday.

Vietnam puts forth proposals to achieve net zero emissions - ảnh 1Vu Hai Ha, Chairman of the National Assembly’s External Affairs Committee, speaks at the plenary session of the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-144) in Bali, Indonesia, March 23. (Photo: VNA)

Vu Hai Ha, Chairman of the National Assembly’s External Affairs Committee, urged countries’ parliaments to call on governments to carry out policies in climate change adaptation in a more robust and effective manner in tandem with the Paris Agreement. Parliaments should strengthen cooperation on the basis of fairness and responsibility, taking into account each country’s capacity and conditions in order to pool resources, share experience and provide technical and financial support toward raising parliaments' capacity in responding to climate change, he added.

The Vietnamese official said parliaments need to bolster law building work, review and amend laws, allocate budget to ensure their countries' realization of climate commitments, greenhouse gas emission reduction and net-zero targets in accordance with the capacity and development level of each country.

He affirmed the Vietnamese National Assembly and Government’s determination to effectively carry out the tasks of economic development in parallel with environmental protection and climate change response. Vietnam will continue to reduce dependence on fossil fuel, quickly raise the ratio of renewable energy and build a suitable roadmap to switch to a green, circular and low-carbon economy, thus delivering on its commitments at COP26. 

Vietnam hopes to receive support and cooperation from international partners in programs, investment projects on climate change adaptation and sustainable development, Mr. Ha said.

