Vietnamese nationals win Talk! Talk! Korea prizes

(VOVworld) - Pham Trinh Phuong Thanh, a Vietnamese national, has won the first prize of the webtoon or comics on web category at the “Talk! Talk! Korea” Contest.

Vietnamese nationals win Talk! Talk! Korea prizes - ảnh 1
An excerpt from the first prize work by Pham Trinh Phuong Thanh (Photo:

The Korean Culture Centre in Hanoi said on Wednesday that her winning comic art work tells a story in which the main character journeys to the Republic of Korea through a hole in the garden.

Nguyen Thi Truc Ly came second for the postcard category with the work describing Korea’s beauty in four seasons of the year through traditional dresses hanbok while Pham Minh Thang was announced the third place for the calligraphy category.

Vietnamese nationals win Talk! Talk! Korea prizes - ảnh 2
Pham Minh Thang won the third prize. (Photo:

The contest “Talk! Talk! Korea” has been organised annually since 2012 by the Korean Foreign Ministry, the Korean Culture and Information Service, and KBS World, inviting foreign entries from all over the world.

Almost 16,000 entries from 143 countries were submitted to the contest this year which is themed “What comes to your mind when you think of Korea?”.

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