Vietnam’s constitution to reach all people

(VOVworld) – Constitution enforcement is an urgent task for the people, Party, and armed forces of Vietnam, said Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs Son Minh Thang at Tuesday’s meeting to disseminate the constitution to all committee members.

Vietnam’s constitution to reach all people - ảnh 1
Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs Son Minh Thang (Photo:

The constitution, as Thang said at the opening session, is a particularly important document and the State’s basic law. It reflects people’s aspirations and national interest and serves as a firm legal basis for Vietnam’s construction, defense, development, and international integration. Thang urged participants to take what they acquired from the dissemination as a foundation to improve their profession and consolidate their political stance. They should honor and popularize the constitution to make it fully realized by people in all walks of life in all social aspects.

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