Russia mourns victims of concert shooting

Russia mourns victims of concert shooting

(VOVWORLD) - Russia lowered flags to half-mast on Sunday for a day of mourning after scores of people were killed at a rock concert outside Moscow in the deadliest attack...
 Police attack criminal gangs in Haiti

Police attack criminal gangs in Haiti

(VOVWORLD) - Haiti’s police launched an operation in a neighborhood of the country's capital - Port-au-Prince - controlled by the notorious gang leader Jimmy Cherizier, that left several criminals dead...
Gaza casualties exceed 100,000

Gaza casualties exceed 100,000

(VOVWORLD) - The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza reported Tuesday that more than 100,000 people in Gaza are dead or injured as a result of the Israeli military’s...
Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

Way to de-escalate conflict in Gaza unclear

(VOVWORLD) -Hopes for a lasting ceasefire between Israel and Hamas faded last week after diplomatic efforts deadlocked. Fears of a humanitarian disaster in Gaza intensified when the Israeli army announced...
US House speaker blasts aid deal for Ukraine

US House speaker blasts aid deal for Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) -On Tuesday, United States House of Representatives rejected a new aid package for Ukraine the same day that Senate passed the bill, resisting calls from President Joe Biden
Temporary aid suspension for Gaza raises concern

Temporary aid suspension for Gaza raises concern

(VOVWORLD) - Some Western countries have temporarily suspended funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), raising deep concern about the worsening humanitarian...
Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

Iran arrests 32 suspects of deadly Kerman attacks

(VOVWORLD) - Iranian security forces have arrested 32 suspects allegedly involved in last week’s deadly terror attacks in the southeastern Iranian city of Kerman, leaving more than 360 people dead and...