Hungarian students join Vietnam painting contest

Hungarian students join Vietnam painting contest

(VOVWORLD) -Two Hungarian students, Szabó Zétény and Sebok Lilla, have won first prizes in the painting contest themed “Vietnam in Children’s Eyes” held for students at more than 50...
Productivity improved to narrow development gap

Productivity improved to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with ministries and sectors last weekend to discuss ways to improve Vietnam's labor productivity. The Prime Minister emphasized that improving labor productivity...
Hanoi among the world’s 100 smartest cities

Hanoi among the world’s 100 smartest cities

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi was ranked among the world’s 100 smartest cities, according to the 2024 Smart City Index. The index was produced by the Institute for Management Development (IMD) World Competitiveness...
Global economy: bright spots and challenges

Global economy: bright spots and challenges

(VOVWORLD) - In recent reports on the global economic outlook, most big financial institutions say that the world economy has escaped the threat of recession and is expected to record slight growth...
Vietnam promotes tourism in multiple channels

Vietnam promotes tourism in multiple channels

(VOVWORLD) - Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam's tourism sector has changed its marketing and promotional activities as well as its approach to customers to make Vietnam stand out in...
Foreign arrivals to Vietnam surpass pre-pandemic figure

Foreign arrivals to Vietnam surpass pre-pandemic figure

(VOVWORLD) - Nearly 1.6 million foreigners visited Vietnam in March, the highest number since the beginning of the year,according to the General Statistics Office. In the first quarter of 2024, Vietnam welcomed more than 4.6...
Israel’s airstrikes kill 42 in northern Syria

Israel’s airstrikes kill 42 in northern Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Israeli air strikes on Syria’s northern province of Aleppo have killed 42 people, 36 of them Syrian soldiers, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR...
Wednesday March 13, 2024

Wednesday March 13, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very happy to tell you that in recent weeks, we have received a greater number of letters and messages from listeners around the world
Global energy issues

Global energy issues

(VOVWORLD) -Energy transition is now considered a global priority as the world steps up efforts to achieve climate goals. However, the move from fossil fuels to clean energy still faces...