Social housing ensures security, promotes growth

Social housing ensures security, promotes growth

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh last weekend chaired a national conference on removing difficulties and promoting social housing development. Social housing development is a pillar of social security policies and a growth solution....
Wednesday March 13, 2024

Wednesday March 13, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very happy to tell you that in recent weeks, we have received a greater number of letters and messages from listeners around the world
Thao Thi De keeps Mong traditional costumes alive

Thao Thi De keeps Mong traditional costumes alive

(VOVWORLD) - Mong ethnic women learn to embroider and sew at a young age. Even today Mong women embroider and sew for their families’ needs. Many even open tailor shops and earn their living –and at...
Vietnam is one of Australia's key partners

Vietnam is one of Australia's key partners

(VOVWORLD) - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son had a meeting with his Australian counterpart Penny Wong on Tuesday within the framework of the ASEAN - Australia Special Summit commemorating the 50th anniversary...