Strengthening IT application in administrative reform

Strengthening IT application in administrative reform

(VOVworld)- The government, the Prime Minister, ministries and agencies have issued several legal documents to simplify nearly 94% of administrative procedures in order to improve Vietnam’s economic competitiveness and...
Negotiations on third Greek bailout package begin

Negotiations on third Greek bailout package begin

(VOVworld) – Greece and its international creditors began talks in Athens on Monday on a third bailout package of up to 86 billion euros (94 billion dollars). European Commission spokeswoman Mina...
Greece submits request to IMF for new loan facility

Greece submits request to IMF for new loan facility

(VOVworld) - Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos wrote in a letter to Christine Lagarde, the managing director of the IMF saying that Greece has formally submitted a request to the International Monetary Fund...
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

B: The main educational goals in Vietnam are improving people’s general knowledge, training quality human resources and fostering and nurturing talent. With one of the highest GDP growth rates in...
Sudan’s President sworn in for a new term

Sudan’s President sworn in for a new term

(VOVworld) - Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was sworn in on Tuesday for another five-year term after winning in Sudan’s presidential election in April with an official landslide of 94...
2014 Month for the Poor launched

2014 Month for the Poor launched

(VOVworld) – Nearly 94 million USD was raised and 11,000 houses were built in September for the poor, as stated at a ceremony to launch 2014 Month for the Poor in Hanoi...
Egypt: challenges after the presidential election

Egypt: challenges after the presidential election

(VOVworld) – Egypt is at a critical juncture. The winner of the presidential election will be announced within a day. 3 years after the toppling of President Hosni Mubarack, Egyptian people are looking...