Thai opposition rallies against amnesty bill

Thai opposition rallies against amnesty bill

(VOVworld)-Several thousand Thai anti-government protesters gathered in Bangkok yesterday/ on Saturday after lawmakers approved a controversial amnesty that could allow fugitive former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to return. Opponents...
Festivals of Luu Quang Vu’s plays

Festivals of Luu Quang Vu’s plays

(VOVworld) – Hanoians were treated to a special theatrical event, the festival of plays by talented playwright Luu Quang Vu in early September. The festival, which commemorated the 25th anniversary of the...
Inmates pardoned on National Day

Inmates pardoned on National Day

(VOVworld) – More than 290 prisoners received the President’s decision on amnesty on Sunday in Vinh Quang prison, Vinh Phuc province
Over 15,000 prisoners to be pardoned

Over 15,000 prisoners to be pardoned

(VOVworld) – The Presidential Office today/ on Thursday held a press briefing with domestic and foreign reporters to announce an amnesty for over 15,000 prisoners nationwide
Wednesday August 14, 2013

Wednesday August 14, 2013

First on our show today, we would like to say hello to Fred Schack, our colleague from the Multicultural Radio Station in Brisbane Australia
Amnesty work for 2013 reviewed

Amnesty work for 2013 reviewed

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Public Security on Monday held a conference on amnesty work for 2013 and reviewing the 1-year implementation of the government’s decree on the surveying...