Egypt disrupts 43 terror groups since April

Egypt disrupts 43 terror groups since April

(VOVworld) - Egyptian security forces have broken up 43 terror groups and arrested a large number of terrorists since April. Interior Minister Mohamed Ibrahim told reporters on Monday that in the...
Ukraine: opposition leader calls for continued protests

Ukraine: opposition leader calls for continued protests

(VOVworld) – As part of efforts to reduce tensions, the Ukrainian Parliament on Wednesday approve the Amnesty Bill for all detained protestors, except dangerous criminals, while asking opposition protestors to withdraw from...
Brazil has no plan to grant asylum to Snowden

Brazil has no plan to grant asylum to Snowden

(VOVworld) – Brazil has no plans to grant asylum to Edward Snowden even after the former employee of the US Central Intelligence Agency offered to help investigate the US’s spying...
Political instability in Thailand

Political instability in Thailand

(VOVworld) – Thailand has faced serious instability since the bloody crackdown on protesters in 2010. Street protests killed 4 people and injured hundreds. Police have had to use tear gas and...
A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

(VOVworld) – Thailand is facing serious instability because of demonstrations by both anti- and pro-government forces in recent days, the largest since 2010 when political strife killed more than 90...