Turkey on verge of civil war

Turkey on verge of civil war

(VOVworld)- Conflicts between the Turkish army and Kurdish armed forces are escalating. The conflicts are undermining efforts to restore peace and could spark a civil war in Turkey
Russia cancels summit with Turkey

Russia cancels summit with Turkey

(VOVworld) - Russia said Monday that a summit between President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan scheduled for December 15 had been cancelled
EU, Turkey strike a migrant deal

EU, Turkey strike a migrant deal

(VOVworld)- Turkey and European leaders have struck a deal to try to control the flow of migrants to Europe. For clamping down on its borders and accommodating migrants from Syria,...
Tension between Russia and Turkey soars

Tension between Russia and Turkey soars

(VOVworld)- Tension between Russia and Turkey soared after Ankara shot down a Russian warplane. Both sides have also begun retaliatory sanctions against each other, including economic sanctions
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

B: VOV’s relayed broadcast from Moosbrunn, Woofferton, and Dhabayya to Europe at 18:00 UTC will be on 5955 khz. Our broadcast from Woofferton and Cypress Creek to Eastern America...