Novruz celebration in Azerbaijan

Novruz celebration in Azerbaijan

(VOVWORLD) - Azerbaijan is a country where national traditions are carefully preserved. Azerbaijan culture is close to its heritage and holds its centuries-old national traditions sacred. Many Azerbaijan traditions are embodied in hospitality, folk beliefs...
Syria high on agenda of Putin-Erdogan meeting

Syria high on agenda of Putin-Erdogan meeting

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday discussed containing new violence in northwest Syria and possibly expanding Moscow's sale of military defense systems to...
Korean Culture Days close in Hoi An ancient city

Korean Culture Days close in Hoi An ancient city

(VOVWORLD) - The 3-day Korean Culture Festival closes on Sunday evening in Hoi An ancient city, leaving beautiful impressions on the audience with fabulous performance of Korean violinist Jimiko, singers Seok...
UNSC condemns terrorist attack on Indonesian church

UNSC condemns terrorist attack on Indonesian church

(VOVWORLD) - The UN Security Council on Tuesday condemned the recent suicide bombing at an Indonesian church in Makassar city, calling terrorism a serious threat to international peace and security and demanding that...