Son Tra fruits greet spring in Mu Cang Chai

Son Tra fruits greet spring in Mu Cang Chai

(VOVWORLD) - Mu Cang Chai in the northern mountainous province of Yen Bai is typically blessed with the emerging beauty of flowers blossoming on Son Tra trees every time February comes...
Thanksgiving holiday in the US

Thanksgiving holiday in the US

(VOVWORLD) -Thanksgiving is an annual national holiday in the United States celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. The American holiday is particularly rich in legend and...
US further helps Vietnam in developing low emission energy

US further helps Vietnam in developing low emission energy

(VOVWORLD) - The rapid growth of Vietnam’s economy has been driving up energy consumption at an extraordinary rate. The government has implemented various policies to ensure that Vietnam is on track to meet its increasing energy...
Detox water recipes for weight loss

Detox water recipes for weight loss

(VOVWORLD) - We are now in summer which is also the season of various kinds of fruits. Why not try some detox drink made at home, using any combination of fruits,...