Diplomacy enhanced to aid national development

Diplomacy enhanced to aid national development

(VOVWORLD) - The 32nd diplomatic conference and related meetings are taking place in Hanoi from Sunday to Tuesday. Amid global fluctuations, the Conference aims to propose key foreign affairs tasks in the...
Wednesday December 13, 2023

Wednesday December 13, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. As Christmas and the New Year approach, we are receiving lots of greetings from listeners, which really makes...
UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

UN warns of bleak global humanitarian situation

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations said that the global humanitarian situation will worsen as conflicts and climate change make communities more vulnerable and UN agencies’ operational budgets shrink
Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

(VOVWORLD) - The Pa Then is one of the 14 ethnic groups in Vietnam with a population of fewer than 10,000. They live mainly in Bac Quang and Quang Binh district of...
Peer group helps prevent HIV infection

Peer group helps prevent HIV infection

(VOVWORLD) - Que Phong, a mountainous border district of Nghe An province, is a hot spot for drug addiction and HIV/AIDS infection. To join the local authorities’ effort to prevent the...