Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

Digital transformation - important premise to realize Party resolution

(VOVWORLD) - The Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress identifies three strategic breakthroughs for national development. One of them is developing infrastructure for information and telecommunications to create a foundation for national digital transformation, heading to...
Vietnam plays an important role in global supply chain

Vietnam plays an important role in global supply chain

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam sees many opportunities to become an important link in the global supply chain, despite economic difficulties in the domestic and international markets. Countries’ shifting of production and diversifying...
World’s first rules for AI being discussed

World’s first rules for AI being discussed

(VOVWORLD) - The UN Security Council on Monday convened its first meeting to discuss the potential risks to global peace and security of Artificial Intelligent (AI). AI, which is seen as a...
FM attends EAS and PMC ASEAN-US meetings

FM attends EAS and PMC ASEAN-US meetings

(VOVWORLD) -Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son on Friday attended the 13th East Asia Summit (EAS) and the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) with the US, as part of the 56th ASEAN...