Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

Russia-Ukraine conflict sees more tension

(VOVWORLD) - The prospect of a peaceful solution for the Russia-Ukraine conflict is dim, given recent developments, dominated by military operations. The West’s tough rhetoric and heavy military equipment...
PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

PM urges work to start shortly after Tet holiday

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday, the first working day after Lunar New Year holiday, requested ministries, agencies and localities to urgently start work, so as not to delay production...
STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

STEM - an integrated education method in digital human resource development

(VOVWORLD) - Howard Gardner, a psychologist and professor at Harvard University, has introduced a theory of multiple intelligences which assesses a child’s abilities in eight categories that represent different ways of processing information: logical-mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence...