Things you should know about Oman

Things you should know about Oman

(VOVWORLD) - Many Vietnamese people know Oman only as the home of mythical characters whose stories continue to be told around the globe. But the Sultanate of Oman is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, culture, heritage,...
From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

From Academia to the Asia-Pacific

(VOVWORLD) - As COVID-19 keeps on devastating all countries around the globe, its impact can be felt in all economic sectors including education. Peter Mason, CEO of Cufa, an independent, secular, not-for-profit...
Wednesday July 1, 2020

Wednesday July 1, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - This week, we continued to receive entries to our contest “What do you know about Vietnam” from our listeners around the world
Hurling – an Irish cultural highlight

Hurling – an Irish cultural highlight

(VOVWORLD) - In our previous show, we explored some beautiful cultural traditions and culture of Ireland known across the world. In today’s Culture Rendezvous, our guest MH, a former student of Cork Institute of...
Grilled rice crackers

Grilled rice crackers

(VOVWORLD) - Banh Trang Nuong, or Grilled rice crackers is one of the most popular street snacks for students and teenagers in Vietnam. The image of a lady sitting on the footpath grilling...
Vietnam’s press in the 4th industrial revolution

Vietnam’s press in the 4th industrial revolution

(VOVWORLD) - The 4th industrial revolution is having a strong impact on journalism worldwide. Vietnam’s media agencies and reporters need to take advantage of new technology to approach more audience
World Radio Day: Radio and Sports

World Radio Day: Radio and Sports

(VOVWORLD) - February 13th was first proclaimed by UNESCO as a day to celebrate broadcast radio in 2012. Since then World Radio Day has been observed annually to honor the role...
Wednesday October 25, 2017

Wednesday October 25, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, a weekly feature dedicated to our listeners around the world
Broken rice with BBQ pork chop and meatloaf

Broken rice with BBQ pork chop and meatloaf

(VOVWORLD) - "Com Tam Suon Cha Trung" or broken rice with grilled pork chop and meatloaf is as familiar a dish in Ho Chi Minh City as "Pho" or "Bun Cha" is in Hanoi. “Cơm...
Brexit: EU welcomes Britain reconsideration

Brexit: EU welcomes Britain reconsideration

(VOVWORLD) - European Commission deputy chief Frans Timmermans said on Thursday he would welcome Britain back into the EU "with open arms" if it reconsidered its decision to quit the bloc
Bizzare food in the UK and Vietnam

Bizzare food in the UK and Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) - Food, as delectable as it is to some, can be unappetizing to others, depending on cultural differences and personal preference. In this week’s “Culture Rendezvous”, we’ll have a conversation...