H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

H5N2 bird-flu virus spread continues in the US

(VOVworld) - Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton declared Saturday an emergency over the widespread H5N2 avian influenza invasion of poultry farms, as the US first outbreaks in chickens and backyard poultry were...
Vietnam boosts investment in Cambodia

Vietnam boosts investment in Cambodia

(VOVworld) - The Association of Vietnamese Investors in Cambodia (AVIC) targets 4.2 billion USD in Vietnam’s foreign direct investment in Cambodia and 5 billion USD in two-way trade...
Fight against bird flu intensified

Fight against bird flu intensified

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has deployed teams to oversee avian flu prevention in localities with outbreaks
Health sector ready to fight epidemics

Health sector ready to fight epidemics

(VOVworld) –The health sector is well-prepared to deal with any epidemic outbreak, said Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien on the TV show “People ask, ministers answer” last Sunday
Preventing influenza in poultry and humans

Preventing influenza in poultry and humans

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Health has organized 9 teams to respond to the flu epidemic in border provinces and cities and provinces that have detected the disease in poultry
Efforts geared up to prevent avian flu

Efforts geared up to prevent avian flu

(VOVworld)- Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai has asked sectors and localities to continue to strictly follow measures set out by the Prime Minister’s directive to prevent avian flu
Urgent response to avian flu discussed online

Urgent response to avian flu discussed online

(VOVworld) – The A/H5N1 epidemic has struck 11 provinces in Vietnam, reported an online conference on Tuesday which discussed urgent measures against the spreading A/H5N1 virus and a possible...
Vietnam tightens precautions against A/H7N9

Vietnam tightens precautions against A/H7N9

(VOVworld) – The Department of Animal Health has collected samples at border areas and local markets to test for the bird flu A/H5N1 and prevent the A/H7N9 influenza from...
Intensifying the fight against avian influenza

Intensifying the fight against avian influenza

(VOVworld) - Border provinces have been required to disinfect and sterilise all border gates and crossings, as well as cross-border vehicles, to prevent the deadly avian influenza strain A/H7N9...
Urgent measures against H7N9 influenza

Urgent measures against H7N9 influenza

(VOVworld) - The National Steering Committee for Avian Influenza Prevention and Control has urged border provinces to take steps to prevent the influenza virus from spreading toVietnam
WHO warns of A/H7N9 avian influenza

WHO warns of A/H7N9 avian influenza

(VOVworld) - The World Health Organisation says by February 14, 338 people were confirmed contracted with A/H7N9 avian influenza in 14 provinces and cities of China, including Hong Kong and Taiwan...
Flu epidemic likely to spread in China

Flu epidemic likely to spread in China

(VOVworld) – A low vaccination rate and multiple active virus strains have led to a more serious flu situation in China this winter, a disease control expert warned on Thursday