Ba Moi’s vineyard in Ninh Thuan

Ba Moi’s vineyard in Ninh Thuan

(VOVworld) – Ba Moi’s vineyard has become a popular tourist destination in Ninh Thuan province’s Ninh Phuoc district. The vineyard, famous for producing high-quality grapes through the application of...
One day at Hoan Kiem Lake

One day at Hoan Kiem Lake

(VOVworld) - Summer might be the best time to visit Hanoi and Hoan Kiem Lake might be the best destination if one wants to explore Hanoi to the full
Barack Obama: IS to be defeated

Barack Obama: IS to be defeated

(VOVworld) – US President Barack Obama said on Monday he was confident Islamic State militants (IS) would be driven out of Iraq and defeated
VietkidzNZ promotes Vietnamese culture in New Zealand

VietkidzNZ promotes Vietnamese culture in New Zealand

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese Ambassador to New Zealand Nguyen Viet Dung has hailed the establishment of VietkidzNZ, an association that organizes classes to teach the Vietnamese language to Vietnamese children living in...
1,500 more US troops to Iraq

1,500 more US troops to Iraq

(VOVworld)-President Obama has approved sending up to 1,500 additional US troops to Iraq, doubling the number being deployed to help Iraqi forces fight the Islamic State. The president also...
US urges Kurds to form unity government

US urges Kurds to form unity government

(VOVworld) – US Secretary of State John Kerry visited Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region on Tuesday to urge its leaders not to withdraw from the political process in Baghdad after Kurdish...