Iraqi army regains control of Iraq’s biggest oil refinery

Iraqi army regains control of Iraq’s biggest oil refinery - ảnh 1
Iraq'ss biggest oil refinery in the city of Baiji. Photo: Press TV
(VOVworld) - Iraqi forces regained control of the country’s biggest oil refinery in the city of Baiji on Thursday after a fierce battle with Sunni rebels. Baiji is Iraq’s biggest oil refinery, producing close to 50% of Iraq’s exported oil. Rebels captured this strategic oil refinery after attacking and gaining control of many regions in the north, including Iraq’s second biggest city, Mosul.US Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that Washington wants to help all Iraqis, not merely prop up Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki. His statement came as Washington considers possible airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) extremists, and as rumors circulate about possible US-Iran military cooperation in Iraq. China’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Thursday expressing concerns about Iraqi security and calling on the international community to support Iraq’s reconstruction and anti-terrorism efforts. The same day, the EU said it would provide 5 million euros to help hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people who lost their homes after the rebels’ attacks.


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