Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

(VOVWORLD) - To preserve and promote traditional arts, aside from training the next generation of young artists, it is equally important to have a new generation of audience members. Art troupes...
Ghana’s liquor - Akpeteshie

Ghana’s liquor - Akpeteshie

(VOVWORLD) - The West African country of Ghana is a fascinating place with rich history and culture. It also has immense natural wealth. There are several unique factors about the country that are sure...
Poetry photographic book on General Giap debuts

Poetry photographic book on General Giap debuts

(VOVWORLD) - A bilingual book of poems on legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap (1911 – 2013) made debut in Hanoi on Tuesday on the occasion of the General’s 111st birthday (August 25, 1911...