English Bowler Hat

English Bowler Hat

(VOVWORLD) - A bowler hat is a must-have accessory for vintage fashionistas. The image of comedian Charles Chaplin in a vintage suit, a baton in hand, and a bowler hat, has been considered...
Vietnam’s global competiveness improves

Vietnam’s global competiveness improves

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam has risen ten places on the 2019 global competitiveness index to rank 67th of 141 economies, according to a report released by the World Economic Forum
Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

Vietnam urges Spain to adopt EVFTA, IPA

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has asked the Spanish government and parliament to back the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement at the European...
Hanoi – A modern City for Peace

Hanoi – A modern City for Peace

(VOVWORLD) - Hanoi was conferred the “City for Peace” prize by UNESCO during a ceremony in Bolivia’s capital, La Paz, in 1999. The award recognized Hanoi’s efforts to foster peace, development...
Cyber attacks increase globally

Cyber attacks increase globally

(VOVWORLD) - On May 17, cyber security firm Proofpoint said another large-scale cyber attack is underway on a scale that could dwarf last week’s assault on computers worldwide. The new attack...
Raspberry Semifreddo

Raspberry Semifreddo

(VOVworld) Welcome back to VOV 24/7 Food Delight. Today, we’ll take you to the Hemispheres restaurant in the Sheraton Hotel Hanoi to meet with the restaurant’s chef Patrick Morris. He will share...