Northern region braces for cold spell

Northern region braces for cold spell

(VOVWORLD) - A cold spell has hit Vietnam’s northern and north-central region. Localities are taking measures to keep people, animals, and crops safe
Vietnam localities brace for new storm

Vietnam localities brace for new storm

(VOVWORLD) - Typhoon Lionrock has landed in provinces from Hai Phong to Nam Dinh and weakened into a tropical low pressure. After Lionrock, another typhoon named Kompasu is approaching the East Sea....
Localities brace for tropical storm Conson

Localities brace for tropical storm Conson

(VOVWORLD) - The National Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control on Wednesday held an online meeting with 15 provinces and cities from Quang Ninh to Binh Dinh to brace...
 Great national unity cannot be divided

Great national unity cannot be divided

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Party, State, police and military forces, social organizations, and generous people nationwide have united to help victims of typhoons and floods in the central region. Meanwhile, subversive opportunists...
Coastal central localities brace for storm Vamco

Coastal central localities brace for storm Vamco

(VOVWORLD) - The Central Steering Committee on Disaster Prevention and Control has called on coastal central localities from Thanh Hoa to Binh Thuan to brace for the arrival of Vamco, the 13th...
Vietnam braces for another storm

Vietnam braces for another storm

(VOVWORLD) - Another storm is heading straight for northern and north-central Vietnam following its evolution from a tropical depression Monday afternoon