Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The book “Rice talks: Food and Community in a Vietnamese Town” by Israeli anthropologist Nir Avieli takes you on a fascinating journey to explore Hoi An’s cuisine, revealing how cuisine shapes social bonds, cultural...
Vietnamese student life in Finland

Vietnamese student life in Finland

(VOVWORLD) - Do you know that Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world for 2 years in a row? Vietnamese student Ngo Hanh Quyen has been living in Tampere, a...
Hanoi College voluntary project: Paint, Sweat and Inspiration

Hanoi College voluntary project: Paint, Sweat and Inspiration

(VOVWORLD) -We arrived at the Projects Abroad’s Hanoi office at around 8:45, the volunteers shuffling into the kitchen for morning tea. Riyaad, our project assistant, pointed at a collection of supplies in the corner of the room, buckets of paint, brushes...
Czech-Vietnamese dictionary-a book of friendship

Czech-Vietnamese dictionary-a book of friendship

(VOVworld) – Two linguists, one Vietnamese, one Czech have been compiling a 6-volume Czech-Vietnamese dictionary to help the Vietnamese community in the Czech Republic overcome the language barrier. 2 of...