India dismantles IS recruitment network

India dismantles IS recruitment network

(VOVWORLD) - India’s National Investigation Agency (NIA) has conducted raids at 31 locations in Tamil Nadu and Telangana as part of a crackdown on a radicalization and recruitment campaign by the Islamic...
Vietnamese digital businesses going global

Vietnamese digital businesses going global

(VOVWORLD) - The digital technology industry has become the driving economic sector of Vietnam, playing a leading role and creating a foundation for the development of a digital economy, digital society...
G20 admits African Union as permanent member

G20 admits African Union as permanent member

(VOVWORLD) - At its summit in India’s capital New Delhi last week, the world's leading developed and emerging economies, the G20, officially invited the African Union to join the group...
Youth volunteer programs embrace great values

Youth volunteer programs embrace great values

(VOVWORLD) - Youth volunteer programs have delivered significant values to the public, said President Vo Van Thuong at a meeting with young volunteers in HCM City on Wednesday. President Thuong said...
Positive outlook for “Make in Vietnam” technologies

Positive outlook for “Make in Vietnam” technologies

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is experiencing a strong and rapid wave of digital transformation. 70,000 digital technology enterprises are registered to operate and many have gained a foothold in foreign markets. Several “Make...
Nigeriens call for mass recruitment of volunteers

Nigeriens call for mass recruitment of volunteers

(VOVWORLD) - Nigerien citizens launched a nationwide recruitment campaign to gather thousands of civilian volunteers to assist the army in the face of a growing threat by the West African regional bloc....
Afghanistan: Two years of Taliban rule

Afghanistan: Two years of Taliban rule

(VOVWORLD) - Afghanistan has experienced two difficult, challenging years since the withdrawal of the US forces and the takeover by the Taliban. People's lives have become more difficult due to reduced aid...
Action month for AO victims launched

Action month for AO victims launched

(VOVWORLD) - An action month for victims of Agent Orange/dioxin (AO) was launched in Hanoi on Tuesday as part of activities to mark 62 years of the Agent Orange Disaster...
Unrest grows in Niger

Unrest grows in Niger

(VOVWORLD) - The political situation in Niger is drawing international attention after President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by the army and a military junta, set up by the coup, arrested several members of the Constitutional...