Hue craft festival closes

Hue craft festival closes

(VOVWORLD) -The 2017 Hue Traditional Craft Festival wrapped up on Tuesday, honoring the finest values of Vietnamese crafts
Ceasefire reached in Libya

Ceasefire reached in Libya

(VOVworld) - A three-day ceasefire was reached between forces loyal to Libya's UN-backed government and military commander Khalifa Haftar in the south of Libya. Hisham Abushkiwat, a member of the...
APEC 2107 and the battle against corruption

APEC 2107 and the battle against corruption

(VOVword)-Transparency and anti-corruption are a hot topic at the ongoing first APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting in 2017 in Vietnam’s central city of Nha Trang. Vietnam’s initiatives...
Belgium hands over Brussels bomber to France

Belgium hands over Brussels bomber to France

(VOVworld)- Belgium has handed over Mohamed Abrini, the "man in the hat" bomber at Brussels airport last year, to France for questioning about the 2015 Paris attacks, federal prosecutors said