April - Bloom time for lilies

April - Bloom time for lilies

(VOVWORLD) - Every April, Hanoi's street corners are beautified by green and pure white lilies. People call lilies "April flowers" because it blooms when April comes
First smart e-bus fleet hits Hanoi street

First smart e-bus fleet hits Hanoi street

(VOVWORLD) - VinBus Ecology Transport Services Limited Liability Company (VinBus), the transport services arm of conglomerate Vingroup, launched the first smart electric bus fleet of Vietnam in Hanoi starting Thursday
Myanmar works with ASEAN for national stability

Myanmar works with ASEAN for national stability

(VOVWORLD) - Representatives of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations concluded a 2-day working visit to Myanmar last Saturday, an attempt to help Myanmar find a peaceful solution to its...
55 charged so far from Capitol riot

55 charged so far from Capitol riot

(VOVWORLD) - The acting US attorney in Washington, Mike Sherwin, said on Thursday that his office has now charged 55 suspects with various offenses, including unlawful entry, assault, theft and weapons...
Canada drops free trade talks with China

Canada drops free trade talks with China

(VOVWORLD) - A trade agreement between Canada and China is no longer worth pursuing, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne said Friday, abandoning free trade talks that were initiated...
The Party renews anti-corruption effort

The Party renews anti-corruption effort

(VOVWORLD) - Fighting corruption is an important issue in every country. Over the past 90 years, the Communist Party of Vietnam has paid close attention to Party building, rectification, and fighting corruption...